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Textile UX (2018 –2023)

TextileUXcredit: Media Interaction Lab
When visionary computer scientist Mark Weiser introduced the term of Ubiquitous Computing at Xerxo PARC in 1991, he envisioned what he termed the "third wave of computing", meaning a world where computers recede into the backgrounds and "weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life". Since then, researchers and technologists around the world are pushing towards this idea with numerous approaches from different angles. The FFG funded 4-year research project TextileUX investigated interaction methods (input + output) for textile based user interfaces, with the goal of seamlessly integrating computational environments into our everyday surrounding. Together with partners form industry (BMW, VW, KTM,...) and academics (JKU SoMaP, University for Arts and Design Linz, TU Dresden,...), the Media Interaction Lab was working on novel user interfaces for textiles, with the main goals of enabling sensors and displays with textile qualities and gaining crucial insights into related UI/UX design aspects as well as suitable interaction modalities. Context: 4-year FFG funded COMET research project Contribution: Sub-project management, interaction research, design and implementation of data processing pipeline, physics textile simulation, electrodynamics simulation, etc. Credits: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, BMW Group, Volkswagen Group Future Center Europe, KTM E-Technologies, JKU SoMaP, Kunstuniversität Linz Fashion & Technology, ITM TU Dresden, A.Haberkorn, Hexcel, Kneitz, Elektrisola, Kobleder


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TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX TextileUX


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